Coaching ~ Emunah Services

Coaching ~ Emunah Services

EmunahA means to build upon faith and bring you into the truth of who you were, are and want to be.

What is a coach?

A coach is a listener, sounding board, and awareness-raiser.

A coach operates from a posture of humility and mystery, not authority and knowledge.

A coach serves as a catalyst in a journey of discovery.

A coach invests in the other person and cares for, prays for, encourages, challenges, and speaks the truth to that person.

A coach is a companion in an individual’s change, an accountability colleague as that person commits to new behavior.

Three reasons to use Rabbi Melinda as a coach

a. I’m a certified coach and developed my own program for others.

b.  I successfully navigated my own change with a coach to help me.

c. Coaching leads to intentional action and positive results.


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