Rebirthing ~ Mikvah Services

Rebirthing ~ Mikvah

The word “Mikvah”, as used in the Hebrew Bible, literally means a “collection” – generally, a collection of water. This “process” can be done in a synagogues “Mikveh,” in the ocean, in a pool or even in a Jacuzzi.

The Mikvah ceremony, most traditionally dunking in the ocean, has been around for centuries and is a beautiful ritual which will enhance your feelings of purification and inner beauty. It will help to bring out your authentic self . . . and bring you into an expression of bliss and love.

The new Moon (Rosh Codesh) is a time of courage, creativity and rebirthing! The new moon is a time we experience times of decline, into the darkness, only to rise again to luminescent fullness. We live our lives with the moon because we wish to harness the distinct qualities of lunar energy: its courage and creativity, its capacity for renaissance and rebirth. It is the perfect time for a Mikvah immersion ceremony.

B’Ahava (with love),

Rabbi Melinda



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