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Ritual Hand Washing

Protections from COVID-19

Dear Friends: I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits.  First of all, I appreciate those who read and responded positively to my last email THE CONTROL FACTOR. I admit it’s not my style to intersect politics with religion, however “when the shoe fits”…  And before I move on to ideas of protection from COVID-19, […]

Elevating My Father’s Soul

Elevating the Neshamah (soul) of my father Bert Bernstein, Pinchas Ben Hyman Samuel, Z”L on his Yahrzeit, (anniversary of his passing). He began his return home, motzei shabbat (after the close of Shabbat), the night before Hanukkah in 2015. We light a remembrance candle in his honor, we remember him, motzei shabbos, the night before […]