L’shanah tovah! May it be a good and sweet year!


Dear Friends: 

I hope & pray this message finds you in good health and spirits. 

Rosh Hashanah is the ultimate celebration of the birthday of the world.  It’s a time of deep reflection and sweet renewal and it begins sundown, on September 29th.  The time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is known as the “days of awe” and an awesome time to partake in tradition and to humble our hearts.

For jews and those who love judaism, it’s known as the creation of the world and a time to create for ourselves, the high holiday trifecta! From teshuvah (return to holiness), to tefillah (uniting with God) and tzedekkah (acting justly and right), we embrace our soul fueled selves.  From the sounding of the shofar to chanting the Avinu Malkeinu (our Father, our King), we go lower into humility. From pounding of our hearts and every action in between, we reconcile with God in our own sweet and perfect way.

Many will celebrate with perfect meals of super sweet foods like honey dipped apples for the sweet hope of a good new year. Many will recite the Tashlich prayer over a body of water to atone for our “less than honorable” actions of the year. So if you feel I did something wrong to you, I apologize.  Please let me know what it was so I can learn from you.

I hope your high holidays will be all that you desire and need for your soul to feel it’s awesome beauty. I will be embracing the truest treasure of the holidays with my family in the center of an intergenerational sandwich ~ my grandchildren, my children and mom!  
“Ketivah v’chatima tovah” May you be inscribed and sealed in the book of life!

Warmest blessings,

Rabbi Melinda “Bracha” Bernstein
(954) 901-1355


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