Prayergasm, A Divine 40 Day Call

Dear Friends:

I hope this message finds you embracing trust, strength, good health and faith.

The days before Passover are naturally filled with restrictive anticipation and this is true today more than ever. Hopefully you are taking this opportunity to pray and deepen the divine call of your lives. Hearing the divine call brings hope and the ability to endure. If you’re feeling the crisis deeply, know that God never promised life would be fair. God‘s promise was that when we had to face the pain that we inevitably would, we would not have to face it alone.

What would be most supportive in hearing the divine call at this lifetime of crisis? How can we tone down the noise of fear? First of all, fear is only as negative as one thinks it’s so. Fear brings constriction, yet on the flip side, it brings creativity. Fear is a wake up call from God. Creativity is the sweetened answer of God’s divine call and reminder of how precious life is. Creativity ultimately brings us closer to God and under the safety of his sheltering wings of comfort.

We are all building a tabernacle of faith as we face the cracked open brokenness of our hearts. There is great meaning during this time and very reflective of the Passover story.  Forty days Moses sat on the mountain. What if you were to consider this sheltering in place as the dwelling the mountain? How would you sit for forty days with God? It’s time to listen to the call of your heart and focus on what brings more love into world. It’s time to put your inner power to the test.

I was tested once for forty days while living on a remote mountain, in a place called Hidden Valley Lake, Northern California. What came through for me in the silence was “Prayergasm”. I even trademarked the word and thought I’d teach it all throughout the world. In truth, God wanted me to surrender to my humility, to his closeness and into the divine call of a lifetime. The message, for me, was a full embodiment of my soul and heartened listening to my wholeness. As I let go of the urge to “market” my quest, the divine call reflected back to me, in the silence of my being, and has been doing so ever since. You too, may find a gift if you humbly and whole heartedly accept a forty day promise.

Today is as good a day as any to recall the bold moments that swept our collective souls into a sea of reeds, into the Yam Suf. The Israelites crossed the Yam Suf during the Exodus and were thrust forward. Our souls are hearing the call and we will be thrust forward. Amplify this timely message in stillness and you will become more like Moses. Trust that God is calling you into humility and is inviting you to be supported by him. Breathe into this humility and cross the sea with comfort. Let your logic wash away in the waves. Speak your truth to God, and say Hineni, I am here. Say your prayers and mean what you say. Do as it fits you in freedom and you will be entrusted and encrusted with prayer!

If I am still in this body, I will be writing you again, in 41 days, which lands on May 14, 2020, the 11th anniversary of my Ordainment, of my S’Micha.  If I am not in my body, I will be a divine call away, which you may hear in your prayers and possibly, in your Prayergasms, should you humbly find your way there.

In Sacred Service,

Rabbi Melinda “Bracha” Bernstein
(954) 901-1355
#prayergasm #40days



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