The Roadmap 

   "A righteous man falls down seven times and gets up."
King Solomon, Proverbs, 24:16

Shalom & Welcome!
I wrote The Roadmap as my thesis in life coach training in 2007. The following year I wrote a self help book called The Roadmap to a Prosperous and Purposeful Life. By 2017 I changed the name to The Roadmap to Everlasting Love and it's been well received ever since. I use it with clients who are single, coupled, healing their family genealogy and/or those who are facing hard transitional choices. 

The Roadmap to Everlasting Love will keep you aligned with all that you love, whether near and dear or long gone in heaven.  

 R.  Responsibility
O. Open to change
A. Awareness   
D.  Determination   
M.  Manifestation   
A. Allowing   
P. Possibility 

R.   Responsibility:  All humanity is responsible for one another. This principle can be found in Talmud (Shavuot 39a).  Starting with ourselves, we must respectfully take stock, honor our integrity and accept the burdens or duties that come with our spiritual path or life journey.  The duty of our soul, "Ha-Nefesh",  is our path of ethical living.  As you surrender into and accept this first step, you can begin the next one.

O.   Opening to change: Change requires risk, vulnerability and unknown outcomes.  Whether your focus is on social or interpersonal change, truth and trust will bring an opening. Being open to change will open the door of humility and move you into ease as you repent "Teshuvah".  With repentance you will  return towards a path of spiritual alignment and self-improvement. This is your healing (Tikkun), so keep opening.  

A.   Awareness: Awareness will begin to deepen once you've opened your mind and heart. You may find yourself being curious about life's offerings. If so,  you will enhance your awareness and connection to the Divine.  Discovering a higher consciousness "devekuth" is forming as you explore and connect to G-d's feminine presence "Shekhinah".

D.   Determination, discernment & discipline: the three D’s will help keep you on track. This is the proverbial fork in the road. Keep these three D's in the forefront of your mind and keep desperation, depression, disgust etc. in the rear view mirror. This is the step that'll make you or break you, over and over again. 

M.   Manifestation: Good outcomes like balance, wholeness, deep presence & a better future are supposed to be happening in this step. If not, go back to step one and take responsibility for the choice you made that didn't give you the result you sought.

A.   Allowing: For many, the hardest step of all is to allow the immense goodness of life! Remember that God loves all and the negativity (Yetzer Hara) can and will get along with the positivity (Yetzer Tov) as you transform your relationship to the stories of the past. 

P.   Purpose, Possibility, Passion, Peace and Pleasure: love and life is limitless and everlasting when you create with the Roadmap! Click on my journey to redemption and see how I turned my life around with it and/or feel free to read the hundreds of reviews online by googling my name.

To purchase the complete book and/or work with Melinda, start by booking a 15 minute discovery session.

With peaceful blessings, 

Rabbi Melinda Bracha Bernstein 

PS: Click here for the Premarital Course Certificate of Completion Florida Statute 741.0305