Grief & Healing

As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now are a part of us;
as we remember them.

Grief, moVING Through It & Healing

The process of dealing with grief depends on your background, beliefs, relationship to who or what is now gone and other factors such as current states of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Rabbi Melinda’s grief counseling focuses on the emotional experience, connecting to the meaning of life by sharing of feelings and exploring what was lost in the relationship as well as what’s possible in the aftermath of the loss.

It’s a fact of life that heartbreak happens after a loved one dies. What to do with a broken heart while bereaved is as individual as our DNA. There are steps one learns to heal the heart and adjustments to be made both for the departed soul and those who grieve. Melinda's purpose begins and ends with a determined focus to help you move through your suffering and into a place of peace as well as supporting your loved one to achieve their own peace in the next world.  Judaism offers us ways to honor and heal ourselves and our ancestors with the Tree of Life teachings.  Move through it and start healing today!

Contact today: (954) 901-1355

Rabbi Melinda helps others move through periods of grief and mourning and does so by softening the heart-ache.   Using the strength her father passed down, Melinda developed strength during her grief work with him.  Ancestral healing, actually addressed not only her father's path in the afterlife, it addressed her entire Tree of Life,  hence, both sets of grandparents and up their ancestral lines. For Melinda as well as her entire family, it's wonderfully rewarding to be in a place for others in this endeavor.

I’m glad Melinda was the one
Rabbi Melinda spent an evening with my parents and myself because even though I was not marrying someone of Jewish faith, I wanted to have a 'Get'. It meant that I was not attached to another man anymore and I was in Hashem's eyes ready and able to accept another man into my life. The ceremony was so important to me and I'm glad Rabbi Melinda was the one who was able to do this for me.
- Amy E
She opened my mind and heart
I was struggling with a very tough decision that involves my commitment to my faith. I reached out to the Rabbi and explained my dilemma. The Rabbi responded very quickly and opened my mind and my heart where I realized in my particular case I would get the answer by not struggling but to follow my gut instinct because I already know the answer. Thanks again Rabbi!
- Harris Brod