Words of wisdom and inspiration.
Ten Bodies, Ten Years, Ten Sephirot
Ten years ago I moved on from the home I/we raised my/our two children in. Just as the kids went to college, I set out on a journey to find myself and to reclaim my joy. I had my Ordination, with which I reclaimed my devotion to my faith, however wasn’t sure how the world […]
6 years ago
Remembering Michaela Levit, z’l, an IDF Volunteer
Today I woke up, triggered by learning of the death of Michaela Levit, z”l. Today I woke up. Today Michaela Levit, a passionate young american woman from South Florida will not wake up today. Today she is being buried six feet under the ground as two days ago she died at the age of 20. […]
6 years ago
Death Café Via Zoom With Melinda
PLEASE JOIN US! Death Café Via Zoom With Melinda 7-7:45pm, July 18th, 2018 on Zoom Meetings Every one is going to die, nobody gets out of it! Our identities are changed when we talk about death. Generally speaking, people are death phobic and this event aims to release the phobia with the ultimate creation […]
7 years ago
Six Ways to Prevent Grief
Grief is an internal process, which results from the pain of loss. Believe it or not, you can begin the process of grief and prepare yourself for the inevitable. Why would anyone want to prepare for grief? Well, the pain of grief can be very intense and difficult to deal with. If you’ve lost a […]
8 years ago
Death of the body is going to happen
“Death is of the body is going to happen. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will happen.” What can we do today to be better prepared for our inevitable end? To begin with, we can start having open and honest conversations that reflect our feelings about death, the afterlife.. Many family members feel the need […]
8 years ago
7 Reasons Why Premarital Counseling Is Worth Your Time
One of the best things couples can do is to help save you both a lot of stress and possible future divorce is to invest in premarital counseling. According to Psychology Today, research suggests that couples who choose pre-marital counseling have lower divorce rates than those that do not. These seven reasons are more than […]
8 years ago
Questions To Ask When Looking For A Wedding Officiant
Choosing an officiant is one of the most important steps in the wedding planning process, especially if you’re not affiliation with a religious organization. Here’s a list of questions and suggestions to make it easier for you. · Do you have any restrictions on the type of ceremony or requirements to officiate my wedding? (Some ministers or […]
8 years ago
You’re Invited To A Holiday Remembrance Service
My friends… Join us in Remembrance this Friday night at Levitt Weinstein in Tamarac for a very special holiday service ~ food, music and divine inspirational sharing and caring with myself and others… FREE TO ALL Thank you Levitt Weinstein and God bless all… Rabbi Melinda Bernstein RSVP to or call 954-721-2500
8 years ago
A Tribute To My Father, Bert Bernstein
I hope this message finds you in good health, happiness and holiday cheer. Let this be a warning to you: this message is in-depth and about the depth of the death process. I feel it important enough to share with you my story on these past four months with the hopes and prayers that some […]
9 years ago
My 1st Funeral
At 24 he chose not to deal with his “stuff”. On the outside his family looks normal and happy but on the inside, clearly something was very wrong with this young man. As a parent of two, my heart poured out for the family. I learned a lot about my passion from this experience. Mostly […]
15 years ago
Coaching ~ Emunah Services
Coaching ~ Emunah Services EmunahA means to build upon faith and bring you into the truth of who you were, are and want to be. What is a coach? A coach is a listener, sounding board, and awareness-raiser. A coach operates from a posture of humility and mystery, not authority and knowledge. A coach serves […]
15 years ago
Rebirthing ~ Mikvah Services
Rebirthing ~ Mikvah The word “Mikvah”, as used in the Hebrew Bible, literally means a “collection” – generally, a collection of water. This “process” can be done in a synagogues “Mikveh,” in the ocean, in a pool or even in a Jacuzzi. The Mikvah ceremony, most traditionally dunking in the ocean, has been around for […]
15 years ago