Elevating the Neshamah (soul) of my father Bert Bernstein, Pinchas Ben Hyman Samuel, Z”L on his Yahrzeit, (anniversary of his passing). He began his return home, motzei shabbat (after the close of Shabbat), the night before Hanukkah in 2015. We light a remembrance candle in his honor, we remember him, motzei shabbos, the night before Hanukkah 2019.
We love him in the many ways he touched our lives. His smile, his gentleness, his wisdom & strength, great dance moves & love of music, his steady and reliable presence. He lived by example, morally and ethically. The legacy and seeds he planted in his service to rid the city of Miami Beach of drugs was unique. Given one small room and two chairs, he was chosen to initiate the first narcotics department of the MBPD. From pounding the pavement to paving the path of safety and peace to the city of Miami Beach, he lived honestly in his profound mission and shared his reflections by writing My Life In Crime a few years before his passing.
As we all prepare to kindle the flame of hanukkah this Sunday night, let us honor the flames of dance and our lives and feel the fullness of our hearts. As night follows day and the candle of our our own lives burn down, may we be comforted that the soul flame shines on.
May his soul continue to enjoy his complete peaceful rest and sweet joy of being with his well and healed ancestral family. And may he continue to bless us all with the Shechinah’s grace and goodness.
#ancestralhealing #yahrzeit #soulhealing #deathisbeautiful
Rabbi Melinda Bracha Bernstein
(954) 901-1355
